As mentioned at the start of my blog, there are many HARMFUL chemicals put into toothpaste. Some of the chemicals, such as glycerin glycol, are also used in Antifreeze. A chemical that is used in cars is not a chemical that should be in our bodies, or used in a product that is used for one's personal care! The Top Ten Dangerous Toothpaste Ingredients- , is proof that toothpaste isn't as "clean" as one would think for a product that is used to clean our teeth and mouth. Much like making the DIY Laundry Detergent and many of the other green cleaning and personal care products, making your own toothpaste is cheap and efficient. Below is a method of making your own toothpaste that will allow you to avoid using toothpaste with ingredients from the "top ten dangerous toothpaste ingredients":

3 tbsp Coconut Oil
3 tbsp Baking Soda
25 drops of Peppermint (or your personal choice) Essential Oil
2 tsp. Vegetable Glycerin (Optional)
1. Mash Baking Soda and Coconut oil in a bowl until mixed well
2. Add the remaining ingredients by mashing into the baking soda, coconut oil mixture

**To use, scrape onto toothbrush. If more than one person uses toothpaste out of the same jar, use a spoon to spread onto toothbrush.
Tips to Remember When Using a Natural Homemade toothpaste:
-Baking soda does not have a good taste, but it is a very good material for whitening and cleaning teeth
-When purchasing Baking soda look for a organic baking soda which will contain the least amount of aluminum.
-If you brush your teeth before your tongue, the baking soda taste will not be as strong
This recipe is based on one found from Our Natural Journey- How to make your own toothpaste
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